Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Benefits of Jucing

My name is Nicole and I have been juicing for a number of years. The benefits of juicing are enormous which is why I decided to start this blog.

A large number of the population still don't eat enough vegetables and fruit. Recent studies in 2011 have also shown that 5 portions of vegetables and fruit may not even be enough and that 8 serves may be needed to cut the risk of dying from heart disease!Click here to read the full article. If that alone isn't scary enough...

In addition vegetables and fruits have been loosing it's nutrients over time; making it harder and harder for our bodies to receive the required nutritional value in order to stay healthy. One of the massive benefits of juicing is that it helps your body to get these daily requirements of vitamins and nutrients and that it can assist you in staying much healthier. To find out more about the decrease in nutients click here.

Also if you drink a glass of juice this makes the digestion process so much easier for your body, because it has already been broken down and is essentially part of what your body would normally do to digest it.

Another of the many benefits of juicing is that it will help your body with it's natural cellular cleansing process. Especially green juice contains chlorophyll which helps the body to detox and helps to build blood cells. Chlorophyll is also known to keep our bodies strong.

Juicing may also assist people in loosing weight. Through drinking regular raw juices your body will operate more efficiently and you will aid you in achieving a healthier weight.

I am sure by now you can already see some of the endless benefits of juicing that originally got me started. I will be adding more over time as well as delicious and healthy recipes. To aid you in getting started I will also include reviews of juicers so that you also very soon will be able to enjoy a healthier lifestyle!

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